CW Post Long Island University NY

#1 von Anja , 01.10.2010 02:24

Och ich fang mal an:P
Also die CW Post Long Island University bietet extra Wochenendkurse für Au Pairs an.
Ein Wochenende bringt 3 credits... also die Hälfte der benötigten.
Hier der Link:
CW Post Long Island

Ich werde da im Dezember die Vorbereitung für den Toefl test machen.

Achja die Kosten:
250$ wenn man nicht dort übernachtet
350$ wenn man dort übernachtet

genaueres steht auf der Internetseite die ich gepostet habe.
liebe grüße

Gelegenheits AuPair
Beiträge: 52
Registriert am: 27.09.2010

RE: CW Post Long Island University NY

#2 von Janina , 01.10.2010 06:45

Welche Kurse gibts denn da? weiß der link steht da aber will es hier wissen :D :D *faulheitsiegt* :D

Gute Fee
Beiträge: 111
Registriert am: 27.09.2010

RE: CW Post Long Island University NY

#3 von Playmuckel , 01.10.2010 08:30

Dort gibt es verschiedene Kurse
Celebration of Holidays: American Culture—3 CEU’s
Learn about American holidays and why they are celebrated, particularly the history of the two distinct American holidays: Thanksgiving and July 4th. You will also learn about Jewish holidays and multicultural holidays such as Martin Luther King Day, Cinco de Mayo and Mardi gras. Holidays are explored through readings, interviews, foods, crafts, and activities.
American Government, Politics, and Social Issues—3 CEU’s
Students will have the opportunity to learn about basic American political principles using a variety of educational methods. By using written materials, class participation audio-visual and Internet resources, and taking advantage of their stay with real-life American citizens, students can learn about the particularly American understandings the fundamental features of American government and politics. We will discuss various dilemmas of constitutional democracy, including for example the limits of free speech, the tension between security and civil liberties, and the place of morality in politics.
TOEFL/English Exam Preparation Course—3 CEU’s
Improve your chances for success on the TOEFL exam. This course will focus on strategies for succeeding on the English language exam required for admission to universities in the United States (TOEFL). In addition, au pairs will practice skills that are stressed on the exam and will be able to monitor their progress by taking and scoring past exams.
Regional Identities: American Culture—3 CEU’s
Learn about the various areas of the United States and how they are different in geography, food, customs and culture. Enjoy foods from different areas of the U.S. and make Navajo fry bread with Native American guest speakers. This class includes lecture, films, crafts and group activities related to American regional identities.
History of American Women: American History—3 CEU’s
This course examines the historical development of American women and ideals and the evolution of economic, political, and social processes in the United States from American Indian times to the present, particularly with regard to the history, roles and status of women.
Music That Made America: History of American Music—3 CEU’s
This course will discuss music in The United States. We will talk about the history of music from the nineteenth century up through the present day. We will discuss different genres of music, what makes them unique, and what similarities they may have. We will talk about American popular culture and how it has affected and is affected by the popular music of the time. In addition, an objective of this course is to offer some listening techniques that you can take with you to gain a deeper appreciation for music no matter what you listen to.
Cultural Dynamic and the American Society—3 CEU’s
This course will look at how the various cultures of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Caribbean influence the diversity present within the American society of today. The course will provide an opportunity for students to share their own experiences of living in America. The instructor will explore the influence of foreign cultures on the cultural diversity within American through lecture, discussion, personal antidote and interactive exercises. Other topics to be explored will include the value of cultural diversity in the creation of new social norms; cultural adaptation and coping with culture-shock.
American Indian Cultures and Their Impact on American Society—3 CEU’s
This course will provide an overview of the major American Indian cultures that exist by region in The United States. The role that American Indians have played and continue to play in American society and culture will be discussed as well as current American Indian issues. As part of the course, students will be asked to compare the experience of American Indians to those of indigenous people from their own culture.
History of American Sports—3 CEU’s
The foundation course for the Sports program is a chronological and topical examination of the history of American sport, beginning in the colonial era and ending in the present. The major events and trends in sports history are analyzed and placed within the broader context of American history, considering how historical processes influenced the rise of sport, and how sport influenced major social and cultural developments.
Growing up in America—3 CEU’s
This course will examine the changing perception and experience of growing up in the United States from colonial times to the present, assuming that childhood and adolescence are social constructions that have changed over time. The course will explore the emergence of childhood and adolescence as distinct stages of the life cycle, the evolving role of the family in the process of growing up, and the increasing importance of social institutions other than the family in the lives of children. An overview will be given of the difference between growing up rich or poor, black or white, male or female, and rural or urban. Finally, it will consider the reciprocal relationship between popular culture and the lives of young Americans.
Highlights of the Harlem Renaissance—3 CEU’s
The Harlem Renaissance is one of the most exciting periods in American History. Exploring the significance of this time period, Harlem has the most important historical figures, and significant historical sites. Including Sugar Hill, Hamilton Heights, The Schomberg Center for Black Culture, The Apollo Theater, and The Studio Museum.
Storytelling: As A Way of Life: Exploring Traditions —3 CEU’s
The storytelling weekend course is a unique opportunity to share a tradition that moves across borders, cultures, and ethnicities. Storytelling is an art form everyone enjoys. Everyone loves and appreciates a good story. Good stories are for adults; good stories are for children. From the days of childhood in all parts of the world, everyone shares the memory of favorite stories or fairytales. Participants in the Storytelling Weekend will learn storytelling games, effective storytelling techniques, and create new stories to tell. These teachings will be done through reading and writing, English Comprehension and English Grammar. Great class for English Beginners.

An sich sind dies Kurse die billigste Moeglichkeit alle seine Credits zu bekommen, weil viele Unis verrechnen Au pairs die Internationale Student rate und des wird teuer.

Beiträge: 33
Registriert am: 29.09.2010

RE: CW Post Long Island University NY

#4 von Anja , 01.10.2010 12:42

ja problem ist halt dass man von seinen gasteltern nur 500$ fürs college bekommt und man 700$ für 2 wochenenden zahlen muss wenn man da übernachtet.

es gibt aber auch noch silver bay in albany, ich werd dazu ein neues thema auf machenl.

Gelegenheits AuPair
Beiträge: 52
Registriert am: 27.09.2010



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